Why Workspace ONE UEM

Let us start with an real time example and see if we can related to a problem with workspace one UEM as a solution.Lets say you are travelling without access to your laptop however in adherence to your Job you have an very important document to review,sign and revert back and your CEO is waiting for you to send the same. If you have had access to your laptop, you would have connected to a VPN,viewed the document in a secure way and send them back, but you are now left out with nothing else apart from your mobile device be it an IOS , Android , a Tablet , an IPAD. This is where Workspace ONE UEM comes to rescue where you can login to your corporate infrastructure using your BYOD device at any point of time with a single click. All that you have to do is install a profile using the URL provided by your IT team and access the applications you are entitled too.

Not just the above there are many more use cases where you want to give access to someone visiting your company for a short team and want to access corporate resources Example: development team coming to develop and deploy an application for you.

Workspace one admins can even disable your mobile camera, shortcuts to take screenshots etc as a part of securing their data.

Workspace One comes handy in Schools,Colleges,office where end users are provided with devices. To maintain the integrity and authenticity of device they all can be enrolled with Workspace ONE UEM and can be given access to resources which they are entitled to.

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